8.62. A contractor or owner-builder may not construct a dike around an aboveground tank, unless it meets the following requirements:(1) the dike must be of earthwork, steel, concrete or bonded masonry, be liquid-tight and be capable of withstanding a full hydrostatic head;
(2) the slope of the walls of the dike must be consistent with the angle of repose of the material used;
(3) the dike must not be higher than 1.8 m from the bottom of the diked area;
(4) the minimum distance between the dike centre line and the outer tank shell must meet the requirements of Table 2 of section 8.48; and
(5) the inner wall and the bottom of a diked area must be impermeable to petroleum products and, to that end, the impermeability must be ensured by(a) a liner protected against loads and fire complying with CAN/ULC-S668, Standard for Liners Used for Secondary Containment of Aboveground Flammable and Combustible Liquid Tanks, published by Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada;
(b) a compacted layer of homogeneous soil at least 3 m thick where the water permeability coefficient of the soil is equal to or less than 10-6 cm/s; and
(c) a construction consisting of concrete or other incombustible material, provided that the diked area is approved by an engineer who is a member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec.